Monday, May 4, 2015

On top of the pedals

The final patches of snow have melted in New England, after a historic winter. I took my first road bike ride on Sunday, getting out for a casual 20 mile ride along familiar roads. I've been putting off this first ride, choosing instead to spend my exercise time running.

It's now early May, and time to shake off the lingering thoughts of two bike crashes last year. One took the life of a coworker's spouse, the other nearly killed another coworker during the 2014 Pan Mass Challenge. Those thoughts still weigh heavily.

I made a commitment to the PMC, as I do every year, and I am a cyclist. I define myself, in part, by riding, and my riding reflects everything else in my life. When I'm "on top of the pedals" I'm doing well, things are going good. It's time to get on top of the pedals, to continue my nearly two decade support of the PMC and the important cancer research that it funds.

I will be ready for the 192 miles of the PMC in early August. I will be riding for the many friends and family who have been touched by or lost to cancer. I will be riding for a friend's son, Sam, who was treated for brain cancer more than ten years ago, and who I met riding the PMC as a teenager, as a survivor, last summer.

This ride is for Sam. And for all of the others who have battled with cancer and are now survivors. And for all of those who will face cancer and the uncertain future it holds.

Thank you for supporting me in this fundraising, and for supporting Sam, and for supporting all the others who cannot be named...

