My story, and I'm sticking to it, is that I was hurt during the Tour De France. 14 stitches and the doctor told me to stay off the bike for five days! Wait a minute, other riders in the Tour have broken wrists, broken collarbones...all I've got is a measly few stitches.
The good news is that I will probably have a great scar...one in the shape of a Campagnolo Record 50 tooth chainring on my left calf.
So...I was invited to participate in a video shoot in preparation for the PMC opening ceremony. Six of us spent a couple of hours this morning riding up a long sun-drenched side road, past a young cyclist who then jumped on his bike and gave chase. At the end of the shoot, coming back towards the camera, I came to a stop but didn't clip out.
Somehow I managed to catch my left calf with my big chainring.
No major damage, except to my ego. The bike is fine. I'm off the bike for five days. Stitches will come out in 10, just before Amy and I head to Kansas City where she attends the annual Silpada Jewelry sales conference and I go biking through rural Missouri.
I hope Lance can maintain his position in the tour without me!
At least I can still fundraise :)
To donate please visit the PMC website.
Time to ride (or not)!
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