Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Too Young

(Originally written May 15, 2011)

In January, as I have done in each of the previous 13 Januarys, I registered for the Pan Mass Challenge and committed to raising money for cancer research. Between the snow, the rain, the new job and life in general, however, I have not been focusing on PMC training.

While my bike waits patiently, cancer does not. We've lost more than a few good people to cancer this year, some famous, some family, some friends. The news delivers the constant reminder that the fight must go on.

And then I attended the Needham Relay for Life this weekend and noticed a young girl walking in the first lap of the event...the Survivor's Lap.

She's too young to be a survivor, I thought. That's just not fair.

Survivors are supposed to be older, adults who can understand the disease, who can ask questions of the doctors, who can deal with the questions "why me" and "what if"...and sometimes "how long."

Then I thought of the young girl, another cancer survivor, who I met at a water stop during the 2009 PMC. When I asked if I could take her picture, she requested my camera and demanded a picture of me! That brief encounter left a large imprint.

This courageous young girl was battling cancer and just didn't know that things should be different, that she should be out playing ball or roller skating or playing with friends, rather than going to the Dana Faber and receiving chemo.

Or maybe she did know...and was insisting on some normalcy in her life. After all, I was the one who had just ridden 80 miles on a bicycle (on my way to Bourne and 100 miles for the first day), while she sat with her mom and sister under a shade tree watching the event. She did take a great picture.

So I ride for her and for all the other children who shouldn't have to deal with cancer.

I committed to raising $10,000 for cancer research this year and to pedaling the 190 miles from Wellesley to Provincetown. The ride itself should be easy...I've done it many times before and it is always my favorite ride of the year. I see old friends, make new ones, laugh and cry with all.

I have a fabulous support team for the ride, including my wife who has been volunteering for the PMC for many years. In fact, for every two riders, there's one volunteer -- a team of more than 2,500 volunteers who help ensure that the event is successful.

And I have built a team of financial supporters over the years, several hundred people who donate $10 or more (averaging almost $150 per person). Without this second team, the PMC would be just another weekend bike ride.

With your help, we will raise $35 million this year for cancer research, with fully 100% of all donations going to the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Farber. 100%!

The ride starts in 82 days. I have training and fundraising to do. I appreciate your support.

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