Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Cool Still Dawn

While I was riding this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about what I wrote last night. I train hard for the PMC so that the ride itself is easy. So that I can show up strongly for other less experienced riders and for the spectators.

Invariably, the less experienced riders are there because they're fighting for someone. So I'm there to help them up the hills with a kind word or a pat on the back or to change a tire for them.

I also train hard to ward off illness. A good friend and neighbor battled cancer and won, in part, because of his excellent physical condition. I pray that I will never have to undergo what he went through, but if I do, I want to be prepared for the battle.

Early morning is my favorite time to ride. There's little fact this morning I saw more cyclists than cars until about 6:30 when the commuters started to show. The mist rose over the river and all was still, except for the birds and occasional other wildlife.

This morning was a treat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lee, you are amazing. and thatis coming from your little sister. ride on! i love you and am proud of you.